Hi, I’m Paul Clark, from Cornwall, UK.
This blog is just a place to host random musings on anything that occurs to me that don’t really fit into my various official websites. You may be able to detect some glorious symphony of related ideas here; I’m not sure I can!
Stuff about me, in no particular order…
- Creator and lead developer of ViGraph
- Laserist and interactive lighting designer – Greenwave Interactive (@greenwavei)
- Software engineer (C++, Javascript) at Packet Ship
- Co-founder and Director of Software Cornwall
- Shanty singer with Falmouth Shout
- Old gaffer sailor and private charter skipper
- Amateur actor & stage manager
- Dances like no-one’s watching
- Green Party member & economic radical
- Small-scale Permaculture gardener
- Creator of Wood For Trees climate data site
Why ‘sandtreader’? Well, living in Cornwall I do my fair share of it… But the name actually comes from a track (YouTube) by ambient musician Harold Budd (although apparently it’s some kind of desert cricket), and I’ve used it as a nickname/handle on forums, social media etc. continuously since 1986.